We offer multiple sponsorship opportunities, including:
Business Partner Sponsorship and Golf Tournament Sponsorship.
Business Partner Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsorship Package($1,000)
- Spotlight as a Platinum Sponsor on the KCCCU business partner page. Spotlight to include:
- Company Logo
- Link to your business website
- Up to 1,000 word listing of your business and services
- Sponsorship of one KCCCU event per year to include:
- special recognition at your sponsored event
- Your logo on the event page of your sponsored event
- Sponsorship level and company logo displayed at each KCCCU event (virtual and in-person events)
- Three sponsor highlights per year on the KCCCU LinkedIn page
- Your logo included at the bottom of each event marketing email
- Up to 4 free lunch passes per year to in-person events
Platinum Sponsorship Package
Gold Sponsorship Package($500)
- Spotlight as a Gold Sponsor on the KCCCU business partners page, to include:
- Company logo
- Link to your business website
- Up to 500-word listing of your business and services
- Sponsorship level and company logo displayed at each KCCCU event
- Two Sponsor Spotlights per year on the KCCCU LinkedIn Page
- Up to 2 free lunch passes per year to in-person events
Gold Sponsorship Package
Silver Sponsorship Package($250)
- Spotlight as a Silver Sponsor on the KCCCU business partners page, to include:
- Company logo
- Link to your business website
- Up to 250-word listing of your business and services
- Sponsorship level and company logo displayed at each KCCCU event
- One Sponsor Spotlights per year on the KCCCU LinkedIn Page
Silver Sponsorship Package
2022 Disclaimer: KCCCU is planning to host 2 in-person events per year during the summer quarters (Q2 and Q3). This is subject to change based on the COVID pandemic. In the event that an in-person event is not possible, Platinum and Gold sponsors will be honored in different ways in lieu of lunch passes.
Golf Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities
Click on each sponsorship type below to see more details
Showing all 12 results
Platinum Sponsor
$5,000.00 Buy Now -
Gold Sponsor
$2,500.00 Buy Now -
Silver Sponsor
$1,000.00 Buy Now -
Beverage Cart
$500.00 Buy Now -
Carts (all)
$500.00 Buy Now -
Closest to Pin
$500.00 Buy Now -
$500.00 Buy Now -
Driving Range
$500.00 Buy Now -
Hole Sponsorship
$500.00 Buy Now -
Straight Drive
$500.00 Buy Now -
Longest Drive
$500.00 Buy Now -
Putting Green
$500.00 Buy Now